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4 Feb 2025

These are today's most popular equipment categories on BB List:
Audio Radio MicrophonesAudio MicrophonesVideo Cameras - HDAudio RecordersAudio Location Mixers
LightingCases And BagsVideo CamerasTripodsVideo Monitors
Lenses VideoLensesVideo DistributionAudio MiscellaneousBatteries And Chargers
Lenses FilmMiscellaneousVideo Recorders And PlayersFilm MiscellaneousVideo Cameras - Dvcam/dvcpro
View all equipment categories  -|-  View all equipment listings  -|-  Sell your surplus gear!

Legal Disclaimer: BB List has no association with any of the sites listed here and neither does BB List have any control over the contents of any of the sites to which there are links. The contents of these sites may change from time to time so BB List cannot accept any resposibility for any content therein.

Please contact us if you want to be added to this list.

People Companies Organisations Useful Technical Documents
Robert Anderson Robert Anderson Location Sound Recordist WEB SITE
Jon Bird See Soundman Jon Bird’s paintings. WEB SITE
Steve Brodie

Brodie Media Audio And Video Production Services

Pete Burns Pete Burns - Freelance cameraman WEB SITE
Oli Cohen Oli Cohen - Location sound man WEB SITE
Jeff Deitchman Jeff Deitchman - singer songwriter/musician WEB SITE
Matt Glen
Matt Glen - Freelance cameraman (5D/EX3/RED/F3) WEB SITE
Joel Carr Joel Carr - Freelance Sound WEB SITE
John Grove  John Grove MIBS - Freelance Sound Recordist WEB SITE
Daniel Hagget  Daniel Hagget - Lighting Cameraman/DOP WEB SITE
Graham Hatherley  Graham Hatherley - Wildlife Camera Work WEB SITE
Ronan Hill  Ronan Hill - Freelance Sound Recordist - Belfast WEB SITE
Gary Huggins d’Aquitaine  Gary Huggins d’Aquitaine - Wildlife Specialist Cameraman WEB SITE
David Hughes
David Hughes - Photographer
Vaughan Matthews  Vaughan Matthews - Cameraman WEB SITE
Fernando Monge Fernando Monge - DOP and Story Teller, IBZstories WEB SITE
Steve Phillipps Steve Phillipps - Wild life cameraman, photographer WEB SITE
Andy Rodger Andy is a cinematographer and a watchmaker! Check out his hand made watches. They are divine. WEB SITE
Keith Rodgerson MIBS  Keith Rodgerson MIBS - Freelance Sound Recordist WEB SITE
Dan Rose  Dan Rose - Freelance Cameraman WEB SITE
John Rushby-Smith  John Rushby-Smith - Classical Record Producer and composer WEB SITE
Ian Sands  Ian Sands MIBS - Freelance Sound Recordist WEB SITE
Nic Small  Nic Small - Freelance Cameraman WEB SITE
Rob Saunders Rob Saunders - Location Sound WEB SITE
Courteny Tuck Courtney Tuck Design - Props & Sets WEB SITE
Companies Organisations Useful Technical Documents People
Sound Kit Sound Kit for Audio equipment sales and hire. WEB SITE
Hooper Electronics Simon Hooper, Llanelli based engineer... Second Hand Tvs, stands, remotes, modules/boards for repair, etc
Media Plant Media Plant specialise in CD and DVD duplication and offer an impressive range of printing, packaging and distribution options. WEB SITE
AFL AFL Television Facilities WEB SITE
BEE'S ENGINEERING Co Repair and service steadicams, manufacturer of adapters WEB SITE
Bristol Video Solutions Kit Elliott - Bristol Video Solutions WEB SITE
Studio Clearance Dan King - Studio Clearance, Pro audio, broadcast video, IT Clearance WEB SITE
Ray West Consultancy Batteries/Belts/chargers. Non-Linear Editing systems. Computers. WEB SITE
Salignac Foundation Video and Dance Courses and Workshops in France. WEB SITE
Teleg Productions   Teleg - A film production company - Cymraeg and English WEB SITE
T.V.V. Productions   T.V.V. Productions WEB SITE
Waterproof Box Co   Waterproof Box Co for Peli cases WEB SITE
If you are freelance add your name to this list
This is a David G Hicks' production!
Downstream Ltd Downstream Ltd
CD and DVD Duplication, Replication and Printing
Front Element Camera Services  Jeremy Irving - Cameraman WEB SITE
Ibex Films Video Production Company - Natural History and environmental productions WEB SITE
Kitroom Monkey Kitroom Monkey - Camera hire in London WEB SITE
OFVM Oxford Film Makers WEB SITE
Off the Planet Productions Off the Planet Productions WEB SITE
Manx Moviesound Malcolm Davies Production Sound Mixer WEB SITE
Organisations Companies  People Useful Technical Documents
AES Audio Engineering Society WEB SITE
AMPS Association of Motion Picture Sound WEB SITE
Brighton Film School Brighton Film School WEB SITE
BKSTS BKSTS - The Moving Image Society WEB SITE
BSC British Society of Cinematographers WEB SITE
GBCT The Guild of British Camera Technicians WEB SITE
Institute of Professional Sound
Formally known as the Institute of Broadcast Sound
PMSE The licencing authority for radio microphones and radio communications WEB SITE
NSTA National Student Television Association WEB SITE
Mandy Mandy Film and Video Directory Crews (and what’s in production) WEB SITE
RCA The Radiocommunications Agency WEB SITE
The Production Guild The Production Guild WEB SITE
Useful Companies Organisations People Technical Documents
Arriflex Film cameras, Lighting, Film and TV Services, Rental
Sony Broadcast
Professional cameras and sound equipment WEB SITE
JVC JVC Professional equipment WEB SITE
Panasonic professional cameras
Audio Ltd
Manufacturers  of Radio Microphones WEB SITE
Micron Manufacturers  of Radio Microphones WEB SITE
PMSE PMSE The licencing authority for radio microphones and radio communications. UK Radio microphone frequencies WEB SITE
FOOD 'This Little Piggy went to the Farmer's Market' If you are interested in food you might find this rather tasty WEB SITE
Technical Documents Companies Organisations People Useful

BB Equipment List - Mainly Audio

The following are technical documents which may be of interest.
We would like to thank the authors or manufacturers who have given us permission to make them available for download.
To read these documents, unless you have already done so, you will need to install Adobe Acrobat. The reader is available as a free download Download Adobe Acrobat Reader

AUDIO - Microphones

The microphone, as the very first link in the chain is the most important part of the recording and reproduction process. As such, it ought to be as neutral as possible, an "acoustic window" neither adding to nor subtracting from the original. However microphones can introduce noise and other non-linearities and distort the original signal. We will look at (and listen to) these distortions and show how a symmetrical transducer can minimise these non-linearities and more closely approach that ideal "acoustic window".

7 Pages 221kb Sennheiser UK web site

Can anybody give me a quick explanation of why RF modulated microphones are less susceptible to humidity problems than are AF microphones?

1 Page 22kb Sennheiser UK web site

The difference between super-cardioid and hyper-cardioid microphones.

1 Page 22kb Sennheiser UK web site

Covers the operational principle of RF Condenser Microphones and descriptions of the following microphones.
MKH 20    Omni-directional studio microphones
MKH 30    Figure of eight studio microphones
MKH 40    Cardioid studio microphones
MKH 50    Super-cardioid studio microphones
MKH 60    Short gun (interference tube) microphone
MKH 70    Long gun (interference tube) microphone
MKH 80    Studio microphone with 5 switchable pick-up patterns
         Polar diagrams and frequency response curves of the MKH 80
MKH 800 P 48 Studio microphone with 5 switchable pick-up patterns
         Polar diagrams and frequency response curves of the MKH 800
MKH 416P Short gun (interference tube) microphone

14 Pages 849kb Sennheiser UK web site

Nagra News No.19 - September 2000
Full of interesting articles

16 Pages 1483Kb Nagra Kudelski web site

Nagra News No.20 - May 2001
Full of interesting articles

16 Pages 1048Kb Nagra Kudelski web site

Organisations Companies  People Useful Technical Documents